
A male student sitting in the grass with his guide dog holding walking sticks.

What does it mean to be "accessible?"

The 十大玩彩信誉平台 is welcoming of every student regardless of their 能力. Being accessible simply means that your course documents are able to be 每个学生都上当了. I have found a resource that will assist our faculty in ensuring all of our courses are accessible. It is a very easy read and it will show you how to make these documents accessible right out of the box using the tools you 已经很熟悉了. It is a great resource and I think that it will discern some of the most commonly misunderstood myths and provide easy to understand answers to many of the most commonly asked questions about how to create accessible documents for people who are blind or visually impaired. The good news is that you do not have PH值.D. in computer Science in order to make your instructional materials 文档也可以访问. - Jessica Hultquist, Ed.S., Sensory Impaired Technology 协调员


  • Use of digital text, not scanned images of text

  • 使用Microsoft Word (*).DOC及*.DOCX)和HTML (*.HTM) formats, which are nearly universally accessible with little or no cleanup or processing.

  • Use of Alt tags for graphic images, with concise text conveying the message a sighted reader would be expected to get from the graphic.

  • Use of Heading and table tags to make document navigation simpler and make the document more readable for screen reader users.

If you require more information, please download this Word document:

Guide to Creating Accessible Documents

If anyone needs their documents tested for accessibility, please send them to our Sensory Impaired Technology 协调员, Jessica Hultquist, Ed.S.,电邮地址为: jessicahultquist@rini-tuote.com